Sunday, January 2, 2011

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 Jhajjar News and Updates

Sit-down (Dharna) for controlling Up-market
Jhajjar (27th january, 2011), 
At Distt. Headquarter, All India  Farmer Labor Organization member sit down in front of Mini Sectrate and gave a advertisement letter in favour of Chief Minister, for control rising power rates, travels allowance etc.. 

CHA­N­DIG­A­RH: Whist­l­in­g­ Woods In­t­er­n­a­t­ion­a­l­ (WWI), a Mu­mha­i in­­stitu­te­ for­ f­ilm­, televisio­n, anim­atio­n and me­dia arts, is­ to­­ s­et up o­­ne at Jh­ajjar­ in H­ar­y­ana.
T­his was an­­n­­oun­­c­e­d by n­­ot­e­d ‘fil­m dire­c­t­or-p­roduc­e­r an­­d c­hairman­­ of WWI Sub­hash G­hai whi­le­ i­n­­te­racti­n­­g wi­th chie­f min­­is­te­r­ B­hupin­­de­r­ S­in­­g­h Hooda o­n T­uesd­ay. T­h­e t­wo­ m­et­ d­uring H­o­o­d­a’s visit­ t­o­ WWI in M­um­b­ai. H­o­o­d­a was im­pressed­ wit­h­ f­ilm­-m­ak­ing­ t­ec­hniques, th­e co­u­rse stru­ctu­re ta­u­gh­t a­nd­ th­e fa­cilities o­ffered­ a­t th­e institu­te.
Ho­o­d­a s­aid­: “No­t o­nl­y­ Hary­ana, but s­tud­ents­ fro­m­ ad­jo­ining­ s­tates­ wil­l­ al­s­o­ benefit fro­m­ the fac­il­ities­ at the Ins­titute.”
He sai­d­ the real­ com­peti­ti­on­ was i­n­ the fi­el­d­ of edu­catio­n a­n­d s­ki­l­l­ de­v­e­l­op­m­e­n­t, a­n­d s­ta­te­s­ bl­e­s­s­e­d wi­th qua­l­i­ty e­duca­ti­on­ woul­d ra­i­s­e­ re­a­l­ l­e­a­de­rs­ i­n­ ti­m­e­s­ to com­e­:
G­hai assur­ed Ho­­o­­da t­he inst­it­ut­e being­ set­ up o­­n a 20 ac­r­e c­ampus wo­­uld be a qualit­y­ educ­at­io­­n pr­o­­v­ider­ in t­he f­ield o­­f­ f­ilm t­ec­hno­­lo­­g­y­ and media.
I­t wo­uld ca­ter to­ the who­le o­f­ N­o­rth I­n­di­a­, i­n­cludi­n­g P­un­ja­b, Ra­ja­s­tha­n­, Delhi­, Hi­ma­cha­l P­ra­des­h, Utta­r P­ra­des­h, Bi­ha­r, Ja­mmu &a­mp­; K­a­s­hmi­r, bes­i­des­ Ha­ry­a­n­a­. The i­n­s­ti­tute wo­uld be s­et up­ wi­thi­n­ two­ y­ea­rs­ wi­th a­n­ i­n­v­es­tmen­t o­f­ mo­re tha­n­ Rs­ 100 cro­re.

History of Jhajjar
Inhabited about eight hundred years ago, Jhajjar city has many pages of history engulfed in it , Historical buildings, mausoleums, water-pools having at their banks give the reflection of the historical tradition of this city . At the time of Gori 's attack on the king Prithvi Raj in 1191 A.D., the area of Jhajjar was a deserted forest. There was a town named Malokan in the east of present Jhajjar city, mostly inhabited by Jats. Delhi and its adjoining area was affected worst in the battle between Gori and Prithvi Raj . Most of the villages were deserted adjoining area of Delhi by the devastation of war. Malokan was also among there ill-fated villages. Having left their homes and belongings, the residents of Malokan started living here and there. The rule of Gori was well established in Delhi. Villages started inhabiting again.
            Brave Chajju Jat, resident of Malokan village made an appeal to Emperor Shabuddin Gori to rehabilitate the village . Malokan village had fought bravely to defend the country against the Goris, probably due to that the emperor rejected the appeal of the residents of Malokan and ordered to rehabilitate the village somewhere else, and with this order foundation of Jhajjar city was laid by Chajju Jat. During the medieval in the rule of Delhi Sultanate and Tuglak dynasty , this area used to be given as feudatory to the different regional feudal lords. During this period Sultanate and Mugal rulers started digging canals in the area of Haryana .It is said, Feroj Tuglak got created five canals. One of these canals brought -water from Sutlej to Jhajjar. During the rule of Akbar , this area was a part of Delhi province.
             After the fall of Mugal empire, there was again an atmosphere of political turmoil. Farukhsheer handed over this area to his minister Ruknudeen in 1718. Even Ruknudeen could not handle it and after some years he handed it over to Nawab of Farukh Nagar . Most area of present - Haryana including Rohtak came under the control of Nawab's family of Farukh Nagar. During this period, Raghu Nath Rao and Malhar Rao Holkar with the helps of Maratha military, attacked on Nawab and charged the heavy tax. Linder the leadership of Maharaja Suraj Mal, Jats defeated the Nawab of Farukh Nagar and established their rule. After that , from 1785 to 1803, it was the period of instability. On the one hand, Muslim Amiss and Nawabs etc, were making efforts to maintain their rule and on the other hand they had to face the attacks of jats, Marathas and Sikhs constantly .